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This page has links to articles that can help you and your business.  These are all free and available at any time.  If you are interested in a particular subject, click on that subject below to those types of articles.  This page lists the articles by title and includes a brief summary of each.


Competition Kairos Consulting Advising Business Expert

Forecasting Strategic



Business Plans

How to Write a Business Plan: A Focus on the Main Concepts.  This article looks how to write a business plan and the major subjects involved. The plan should address “Who?”, “What?”, “Why?” and “How?", discuss expenses and income, and include appendices. The plan has to be written to convince someone to invest in your business.  To read this article, click here.  



Employee Management

The Three Keys for Hiring the Right Employee.  The trick in business is not just to keep good employees, but to hire them. This article presents three keys by which an employer determines the right employee during the interview process. This process saves time by getting good employees up front instead of weeding out the bad ones later.  To read this article, click here.  
Executive Leadership Style: Douglas MacGregor’s Theory.  Much has been written about executive leadership and management. This article look at an important historical theory that has shaped many of the current executive leadership/management philosophies.  To read this article, click here.  
Five Signs You are Working for a Bad Organization. Everyone wants to work for a great organization, but few do. This article discusses signs of an organization getting worse and signs that you may need to consider leaving the organization. This is also a call for management to be ever vigilant since it is costly to replace employees.  To read this article, click here.  
Kairos Consulting Advising Business ExpertUsing Your Influence to Get What You Want: What Works (and Does Not Work).  This article examines the various influence tactics we have available to accomplish what we want. However, these tactics produce various reactions that can be good or bad. Each tactic is examined in light of the reactions it can create.  To read this article, click here.  


How to Start a Business - Step by Step.  This article gives 14 steps on starting a business. The steps included everything from creating the original idea to obtaining governmental permits to getting ready to open the doors. This step-by-step procedure is a definitive method of getting your business going.  To read this article, click here.  


Business Forecasting: Knowledge is Power.  This article explains why forecasting business values are extremely important because knowledge is power. There are three specific uses for forecasting given as well as a discussion of forecasting methods. In today's world, business forecasting is essential to success.  To read this article, click here.  

Strategic Management

Business Strategy: The Three Generic Strategies.  This article examines the three generic strategies discovered by Michael Porter. Each firm should adopt one of these strategies to provide sustained profitability.  Read this article by clicking here.  
Business Strategy: The Three Management Layers. In this article, I discuss the layers or levels of strategy formulation. For small firms, the owner/operator will probably develop all three of these. In larger firms, the levels of strategy formulation will be broken up between different level managers.  Read this article by clicking here.
Business Strategy: You Can't Play Baseball Blindfolded.  Strategy is a life or death issue for businesses. Without strategy an business has no sense of what actions to take.  Read this article by clicking here.  
Business Strategy: "This Is a Football", Part 1.  This article is the first in a series on developing a strategy. Developing a good mission statement forms the basis for everything the firm does.  Read this article by clicking here.  
Business Strategy: "This Is a Football", Part 2.  This article looks at the second step in developing a business strategy: determining the strengths and weakness of the firm.  Read this article by clicking here.  
Business Strategy: "This Is a Football", Part 3.  This article is third in a series about actions needing to be performed before creating a business strategy. Specifically, the firm needs to examine opportunities and threats in the market.  Read this article by clicking here.  
Business Strategy: "This Is a Football", Part 4.  This article is the conclusion of a four part series on laying the foundations before developing a business strategy. This development includes a mission statement and a honest SWOT analysis.  Read this article by clicking here.  
Business Strategy: The Five Competitive Forces.  This article examines Michael Porter's five forces model. Each of the forces is discussed with regard to characteristics that increase competition in an industry.  Read this article by clicking here.  
Business Strategy: Is the First to Move the First to Score?  This article discusses some of the factors involved whether a first-mover advantage exists, the size of the advantage, and the outcomes involved.  Read this article by clicking here.  
Business Strategy: A Closer Look at the Low Cost Strategy.  According the Michael Porter, there are three generic strategies: cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. This article looks more closely at cost leadership.  Read this article by clicking here.  
Business Strategy: A Closer Look At the Differentiation Strategy.  Differentiation strategy is paramount for most businesses. This article looks into differentiation as a strategy and some of the ramifications.  Read this article by clicking here.  
Business Strategy: A Closer Look at the Focus Strategy.  The focus strategy is another generic strategy that can be adopted by businesses. This strategy can lead to superior profits and protection from competitive forces.  Read this article by clicking here.  
It's All About the Firm's Values!  A firm's organizational values should be the centerpiece of its existence. However, if they are not maintained, they degenerate into other value systems that may not be desirable. This article examines what happens when organizational values are not maintained.  Read this article by clicking here.  


Business Taxation: Why Businesses Do Not Pay Income or Payroll Taxes.  Successful businesses never really pay taxes even though the financials say they do. This article explains why, even if there are no losses or credits carried forward, someone else pays the taxes.  Read this article by clicking here.  
Kairos Consulting Advising Business ExpertIRS Problems – How to Avoid Them and Handle Them.  This article explains the four most common issues a taxpayer has with the IRS. The article explains how to handle those problems and how to avoid complicating them.  Read this article by clicking here.  


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